(New Album Review) @TheDistrictSoul "Thinking of You"

Hey everyone how's it going? Who's enjoying the new summer music right now? Well get your ears ready for new album from these young talented siblings coming straight out of San Jose, CA. Molia and her brother Ryan Wild formally known as The District. Now I been supporting Molia's music since her latest self-titled EP which was released a year ago. A year after that, Molia and her brother linked up to work on a collaborated project together and wanted to give the fans something new and wavy to vibe to. The title of their album is called Thinking of You with ten new tracks, no features just Ryan and Molia and great productions as well. I suggest everyone to take a listen to this project, share it and tell friends to check out The District Soul new album, they need your full support on this project.
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Molia's StoryBackground
Hey there Zachary, My summer is going well! As you can see, I was pretty wrapped up in my newly released album! And now working on my next project! Well, a little background of where I come from and how things started...I was born and raised in San Jose, CA. I grew up loving to sing. It started at home and at church. My first song was Barney's "I Love You". I was very shy and timid as a child, so singing was never the ideal "job" for me, it was more of a hobby. I started writing at the age of 12 and recorded my first record ever, at the age of 15. I guess you can say I had the typical teenage "island girl" lifestyle. I loved hanging with my friends, loved having little singing sessions with my cousins and the ukulele, and I was really interested in my culture. As time came close to graduating high school, I had to really buckle down and figure out exactly what I wanted to pursue as a career. So I ended up majoring in Criminal Justice, but something still didn't seem right to me. Fast forward a bit, I get a call from a cousin of mine. She's interested in helping me further my career in music. And I'm sitting there like "Uhh I don't know". Keep in mind, I was still shy and hated even thinking about singing in front of people. (Quick fun fact about me: I hated singing in front of people so much, that I would have whoever turn around and face the opposite direction so they couldn't see me). So, my cousin gave a few days to think about it. I call her back and tell her I'd like to try it out. So I drop everything, and she flies me out to Virginia to stay with her for a year. We traveled, met with a few major labels, met a few mainstream artists, and gained new friends. But the year didn't work out as planned. So I moved back home, mid 2011. But everything I've done during my time in Virginia is what made me stronger. In 2012, I picked up on my own shows, studio time and created a mixtape I titled Ride or Die . This fueled me even more as an artist. I met a few industry people, who then helped me create my first EP, self-titled Molia as my introduction to the mainstream world in 2014. I released a few more single records, did a few more shows, and met a few more people. And late 2015, brought us to the thought of creating an album titled Thinking of You, which was released July 29th, 2016. We now call ourselves The District. As we are still known as Molia and Ryan, we are also apart of a support team, who've helped make this album what it is today. We gave ourselves that name to completely recognize our team as a whole. There are 10 songs on the album which only feature myself and Ryan. Our team favorites are I Bet, Ryan's Interlude, Now You Know and Repetition, and there are about 6 producers involved such as; Mantra, Ashton Mcreight, Scott Supreme, William Phillips...just to name a few. We've really enjoyed the essence of the meaning behind every concept that made the album, and all in all, appreciating true music. And to the fans have held on, consistently showing love, and waiting for something new to drop...I just want to say THANK YOU! You are true riders and an inspiration to me to just keep going. I love you all!!

Thanks for allowing me to share my story, Zachary!


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