(Exclusive Review/New Artist) @SheisBMusic "Warm EP"

Hello everyone? I have this new young talented artist; she's a singer, songwriter and produce her own music. This artist name is Brenna Campbell, she was born and raised in Fresno,CA then she originally moved to Los Angeles to make a living in life. Plus when she told me that she was pursuing career as a police officer, said to myself "whaaat?". I didn't know who she was before and I think I found her music on RnBassmusic website. Listened to her song "Blow Your Mind", she has an lovely voice and has some great vocals. So I went on Twitter to follow her, gave her a shout-out and read her info that she was releasing an EP project to give her fans a little sneak preview of her music. And yet, Brenna just happens released her very first project Warm EP today and I really expect everyone to check out Brenna Campbell, listen to her music and share music to family/friends, you must support her.
I actually got the chance to talk to her on Twitter, told her that it would be an honor of me to do a exclusive review about her and her music for my blog. She gave me her email, asked her questions about her and everything, I like to get to know new artists first and see how real their music are and I'll support them all the way. So far right now, I am already loving her EP and she sounds amazing.

B.Music's Q & A
1) First of foremost, to the people who don't know who Brenna Campbell….Explain your background story.

Brenna: I was born and raised in Fresno, CA. I originally came to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a police officer, yeah I know wow. But through my early adventures I met some incredible people that only solidified more anymore that my dreams could be goals, not just dreams. Coming from a family that was very manual labor-based. I always thought practical and was scared to ever think that I could go for something like this and actually be supported. But I am, and it's great.

2) How long you been writing and singing? What made you want to become a singer/songwriter? Also read in your Sound-Cloud page, you're a producer, whaaaat? talk about it haha.

Brenna: So as cliche as it sounds I have been singing really since I can remember, I was doing little talent shows since I was a little girl. I sang in church, I also was in choir for a majority of my life. I wrote my first song when i was 5, it was something about the forest, clearly i was very sophisticated. But because of having such extensive exposure to mature music as a child it definitely shaped me into the writer i am today. I try to not overdue, but it really is an art to me. Lyrically content is powerful whether it be emotionally breaking or building someone. Producing is a work in progress! I'm in production school, i'm a student at Icon Collective, it's really changing my life and molding me, both in literal technique and in my creative process. I co-produced my EP but i definitely will be more hands on in my next project which is actually already in the works.

3) Who inspired you to become who you are as an artist? and Wh?

Brenna: Growing up I listened to a lot of Prince, Parliament, Mariah Carey, etc still to this day that is my vital playlist. I appreciate the music of today but i definitely take all my fundamentals from the greats. Also staying cultured, i also listen to a lot of new age, funk, RnB, and even classic rock. Although all are so dynamically different, the parallels are undeniable. Music has shaped me, my craft tells me more about myself then i will never understand on my own.

4) The song title "Blow Your Mind", What's the concept of this record? Who wrote the song and produce it? and what was the feeling of recording this song?

Brenna: Blow Your Mind was the craziest process of a record. It originally was going to be a hip-hop song with a featured rapper and everything but in my heart i knew that there was a grander feeling to it. I wrote it and co-produced it with my great friend Haguy Mizrahi, he's truly phenomenal, he blows my mind every time we work together, no pun intended. We don't really even have to talk, it's like we communicate telepathically, we just know what each other are feeling about a track 99% of the time, and he's very honest with me. He isn't afraid to tell me "hey we need to redo that vocal" that's why i love him. 
The idea of the song is very self explanatory, but it's the idea of having confidence in yourself and your skin, and being like "are you ready for me to change your life?"..Sexually that is. I'm not vulgar, i believe in questionable but not extremely forward. That song is that, you know what i'm saying, you know what i feel, but i don't wanna be distasteful.

5) I've notice you are working your first debut mini-album "Warm" EP, Why is that title?

Brenna: The EP name was based on the first song we started creating and because that song really changed me as a human is why i decided it was going to be the title track. The main lyric is "you're heart is so cold, but it keeps me warm". That statement to me was so strong, because you are saying to someone, you a re so wrong but i'm so messed up i find comfort in your instability. It's a very vulnerable and brave thing to say and recognize. Not saying it's healthy, but i intrigue myself with twisted romance. And with the other songs being a sense of gaining power and being confident but yet yeaming for that fire, i found it a perfect fit.

6) What is your fans going to hear on this EP? What type of feelings are they going to hear on this project? 

Brenna: The songs are a journey, you see three different sides of a person's soul. One being someone needing a disaster to feel safest, another being someone who will do what it takes to keep a dark fantasy alive and lastly someone who is very in a sense obnoxiously confident in their abilities to make your life mean more and maybe tear you apart. All different egos, all having an agenda, it's a beautiful storm. This isn't an EP to tell people how to love, but someone has to say that the dysfunctional love exists, that's the only way to work through it.

7) How many songs are going to be on this EP? Who are the producers you worked with?

Brenna: There is only 3 songs, all extremely different dynamically. It was produced by Mizrahi and i, just us. I wrote the songs, and we went from there. The next project is going to have many more "moments".

8) What is your favorite song you have recorded on this project, and that one song made you to break into tears a little? 

Brenna: Warm is the song that changed my understanding, made me see things and feel things maybe i never knew were hosted within me. That song broke me down emotionally. Ultimately, my favorite.

9) What's that one song that's going to have your fans to listen to the most?

Brenna: I think "Sweet Dreams" will be the favorite, it's very..En vogue meets modern day. I wrote some of my favorite lyrics for that song. It's catchy

10) If You had to pick any artist or producer to work with to do a song with,Who would it be? and why?

Brenna: Quincy Jones, because.. Quincy Jones. Prince, because… Well you get the point.

11) Before I go, Is there anything else that the people needs to know about you? Any Thank you's? Shout outs?

Brenna: The people that aided in this EP know they have my heart. Very few, but they know that my gratitude is far more valuable than what can come from my lips. So i'll leave it at that. Also i thank the humans who keep listening, those people make me happy and make my heart hump in it's cage. I'm excited to go on this journey with all of em.


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