(Album Review) @GiuliettaMusic's "XXI"

Introducing Giulietta

Hey everyone how's it going? It is an honor of introducing this new uprising artist coming straight out of Melbourne, Australia. The artist name is Giulietta, she's a singer/songwriter. I believe I found her music and info on RnBassMusic website and that's right when i start checking out her music, she's really pretty good. I haven't really been up on her all the time but i still support her all the way. Giuletta just released her new album XXI this past Tuesday, great album and amazing songs on the project. I got the chance to chat with Giulietta on Twitter, tell her she's on her way there and she's killing it. Got the time to email her and send her couple questions about her and music, she gave me great answers.

Giulietta's Q and A
Hey Giulietta how's it going? Congratulations on your new album release,i love you!! How do you feel?
G: Hiii!! I'm good,thanks i hope you doing well....Thank you so much, I'm excited and nervous!

1) For the people who don't know who Giulietta is,explain your story, Where you from and how do you say your name? Lol i know some people says it wrong and you have to correct them.

G: So….. Im from Melbourne Australia (Land Down Under) lol ! Im 22, Ive been singing since I was 4 years old. I started taking music more seriously when I was about 14. I had my first single released “Dirty House Music” that quickly went viral all over the internet, reaching no.4 world wide on the Beatport dance charts - shortly after that I did my first Club show in Orange County @ 14. Was pretty cool.. and everything went on from there. At 16 I was the first unsigned australian artist to break the US Billboard Dance Charts & everything took off. My name is always miss spelt / mis pronounced. “Giulietta” JULIE - TTA  the GI is an Italian Spelling… So people get thrown off with that. But its pretty easy. Its like the Alfa Romeo Car ! **fancyyyyyyyyyy

2) How long you been singing and writing music? How old were you when you wrote your first song?

G: My parents put me into singing school at age 4.. I loved it. I was always getting up in front of people performing songs from Britney Spears to Whitney Houston you name it. I knew it. When I was about 10 I started recording covers then shortly after when I was 13 I own a local talent search and I recorded my very first song I wrote for my grand father who pasted away. Its never been released, its super cute yet very personal to me !

3) Is Giulietta your real name? What made you want to go with that name?

G: Giulietta is not my real name.. I like to think of Giulietta as an extended version of my self. More grown, more out there more crazy lol I went with Giulietta because it was the other side of “Giulia” (my real name) Giulietta was some one who wanted to show the world what Giulia was capable of.

4) When you're in the studio recording tracks, is there anything you need around to keep you motivated? Any type of drinks or snacks or something?

G: Yes lol I have my crazy little traits. Im not the biggest fan of having a million people in my sessions. I like it to be a bit more personal. But I have to have red bull & snacks. thats like a MUST have ! I can’t start without having something to snack on and drink. My new thing is red wine & sprite currently (try it.. its amazing) lol. I also have a bad habit of sitting whilst i record i have to have a stool and usually ditch my shoes (don’t judge me) :D

5) Who inspired you to become this successful as an independent artist?

G: Myself… Im working day in & day out to keep things rolling out. Having fresh new content, even if thats not music from photos to videos or just some little in-sites on my life. Of course I have people I look up to, but as far as independent artist you look at people like Macklemore and think damn… this is possible. but its also very far independently.

6) The album "XXI" is finally out right now,Congratulations! What made you want to name it that title? and Why?

G: Thank you !! So XXI means 21… and theres a whole reason and story behind it all. When I was 21 I went through some rough times with a person I was with.. and it really effected me. And I felt like the only way I could get over that was if I could finally be open with myself and make something out of it. So I wrote this album based off of myself being so broken at 21 … might seem tacky but it helped me. And i feel like people can relate. I was as honest and open as I could be out loud with  myself & my music. Something Im very proud of. I was then able to feel like I had closure.  I guess we can thank him for this LOL *credit on the album goes to you know who you are*

7) How many songs are on the album? Who were the producers you worked with? i know you tagged the homie Devin Cruise into the track list on Instagram, he's a great producer. He's my favorite producer as an idol.

G: So there are 13 songs on the album. I worked with mainly producers out of LA, Praajex he was the main producer on the album. We’ve known each other almost 2 years now. We click super well and I think he brings out the best in me with his production. The Beat Brigade, Fresco & Praajex collabed on a track also, they are pretty much apart of our squad, the homies ! Yes Devin & I have known each other for a cool minute, huge fan of his work. His super talented we actually cooked up that song a few days before I left LA and was closing the project and I jus had to have him apart of this. Simmybeats & I go way back. He produced my entire second album 911:Code Pink his from my city in Melbourne along with The Munkyds there also the homies. And kyle puccia who has the feature track with me on the album is actually my vocal coach.

8) What made you want to do an album without any features? Did you want the project to be all about you and focus on yourself?

G: I didn’t want any features on this project, like i mentioned before it was and still is a very personal project to me. I feel like it wouldn’t have been as real if I was to bring in someone else.

9) If you had to do a BIG collaboration with any artist or producer that you really want to work with,Who would it be? 

G: I love pharrell his like my FAVVVVVV ! Ive always said that since I was young. Thats like the DREAm right there. My life would be in complete if I didn’t make it that far to have him produce for me

10) And if you didn't had to do a song with any artist,Who would it be? ((Please say Drake LOL))

G: I don’t get this question LOL ?! didn’t had to ? i love drake……… :O

11) Now you're album is out, Any shout-outs and thank yous you like to say to your fans and others? Also i really would like to give you a shout-out for doing the opportunity of being part of my blog..i love you G and you are so very AWESOME!!

G: No thank you for reaching out to me !! A big shout out goes to everyone who is really supporting me and my movement. Without the fans I wouldn’t be here. I love you all !!! Love you too !! lol 

12) Will you be going on tour to promote the album? If so,Please come to Vegas because i would love to see you perform and meet you one day.

G: I am in the middle of making some plans as we speak. So hopefully soon !!! I love vegas… I want to come back. Ill keep you posted.


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