(New Pries Album) @iamPries's "After The Forest Fire"

Denver's one and only rapper Pries has been releasing some hot music and great projects this year plus after his last project Revenge of the Nerd which is an awesome album. Right after when Revenge of the Nerd was released, Pries continues on going back in the studio to work on new music and another new project for his dedicated fans. After releasing his two new hit singles "Hide and Seek" and "Shake" which both is available now on iTunes, the Denver rapper Pries happens to drop his brand new FREE album titled After The Forest Fire includes songs like Total, Rabbit, Waiting to Exhale, Freeway and Crown Royal Blvd and this project has features from Fresh Larosa, Jimmie Murphy and J.Carey plus it also has Do It To her (Project Chick Remix). Pries has great productions on this album such as Pries himself, CMB, CMPLX, Rocwell and Weirdo, I expect everyone to please download Pries's new album, show him lots of support and share his music to friends and family,tell'em about Pries; Denver's underrated artist.

Download After The Forest Fire Now!!


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