(New Mixtape Review) @Majillamusic "L.O.T.U.S."

What's going on everyone? I love listening to new upcoming artists to express what they say in their songs and having new listeners to believe in their talent. I would like to introduce this young talented 19 year old artist coming from Akron, Ohio; her name is Kat Majilla she's a rapper. Six months ago, Kat released her debut mix-tape Naked Bliss and now she's back with the release of her new second mix-tape titled L.O.T.U.S. (LOVE OVERPOWERS THE UGLY SOUL) . When I first heard Kat, I actually liked her style of music and the way she flows and she's much different than any other artists who are independent or major. Kat and I been talking for a while and getting to know each other but most importantly it was important of getting to know her and her music lifestyle because it's always about the artist and they're music. Kat been Facetime with me and sharing sneak preview tracks off the L.O.T.U.S. project and they sounded dope. I got the time to do a in...