(Exclusive EP Review) @JessicaManalo "JM EP"

Introducing Las Vegas Upcoming Singer Jessica Manalo Hello everyone, here's a new review I've written on another talented artist who I always show full support for by sharing all over internet. Now a young and talented person I would like to mention is going to have everyone in Las Vegas talking about her. Who is she, you are asking? Well here is your answer young 22 year old female singer/songwriter; Jessica Manalo. Jessica was born in Corona, California and pursues her music career in Las Vegas. She is the second oldest in her family, has a young twin brother Jason who is talented on the keyboard and older sister Kristina. At age of 12, Jessica started out singing right after learning how to play the guitar and around that age, she start writing her own lyrics and challenged herself to see how competitive she could be. I recently became a fan of hers, and since getting to know her music, I'll just say that the gift she has is amazing. With that lovely, beautiful ...