(Exclusive Review/New Album) @RioNovaMusic "Radiant" EP

Welcome to Rio Nova's "Radiant" EP Hello World!! My name is Zachy and it would be an great honor of myself to introduce everyone to a new uprising Italian singer. Her name is Rio Nova, she's from in Switzerland but she is now living in Los Angeles. How and Where did I find Rio Nova? Good question, so apparently I was on Twitter and I see her tweeting her debut radio music talk show Industry(AL) and I just happened to be her most favorite number one fan/supporter because I was tuning into her first show and giving her so many shout-outs. Rio Nova had great guest appearances on her radio show, music guests whom I know such as Sean Brown, Sabi and Ana'Lou. I been supporting Rio Nova since day one including her music, like first I didn't know she was an artist cause I thought she was radio host but when I got the chance listen to her music, claimed her to be my new favorite artist. I adore and love her music cause her music is like a passion of love that ...