New Album: @MickeyShiloh Delivers "20Nineteen"

Let me just say that 2019 has been a great journey with so many new music dropping. Shout-out to HRDRV Records and BDRM Records for doing so many great things this year. And all this wouldn't be happening without the BOSS, the greatest music entrepreneur Mickey Shiloh aka Ms. Fine-As-Hell and yes she is!! She's the perfect example that you should be following your steps of becoming an independent musician for your future career. She has done it since the beginning of her career. Shiloh has been the greatest mentor of my life and she's also a wonderful great friend who I'm happy to have in my life. And if you haven't read her new latest book Indie Bread please go purchase it right now on her website and read the book, learn something from her. 

Now 2020 is right around the corner and Mickey have so much a lot of new materials on the way for that new year, just wait and see. Songstress been dropping so many new singles, doing features and albums/EP's of her own throughout this whole year. This women deserves a vacation and be away from this shit cause she's a goddamn workaholic and a busy bih she don't got time for no lazy ass niggas slidin' in her dms, negro get outta here!! 

Mickey is here to deliver her new album 20Nineteen includes twenty-nine tracks with songs she has already have put out since the beginning of 2019. Dope productions and few features from Kaui, Clyde Carson, Jvzel and others. I really would for everyone to pay attention to Mickey's movements and pay closely attention on what she's creating. She got everything going on with Hrdrv Records, Bdrm Recrods and Kick It Spot, and many more. Just go follow her on social media and keep up with her new updates on what she has coming on the way. Also if you're an independent artist and would like to join Hrdrv Records, click the website and sign up with the greatest label

Stream, Purhcase and Share 20Nineteen album OUT NOW:

Mickey's Social Media:


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