Music Video: @CiphBoogie24 "Cannot Lose"

Please Watch Ciph's video above and share it on social media!!

Coming all the way from the best underrated hardworking independent music label HRDRV Records. One of our following artists, Brooklyn cased rapper Ciph Boogie been on a grind for a while and he's a dope rapper from the east coast. Ciph put his new latest single "Cannot Lose (Brooklyn Stay Winning)" this past summer in July and now he just recently released the video of the record.

Let me just say that HRDRV Records is the BEST independent label out right now and no one could be better than us, on God!! Like every each artist from the label are dropping every new singles and projects every month and we're still signing new people to the label, we're almost at 100 rosters on the list and that's incredible. All thanks to the BOSS MICKEY SHILOH!!! I just want everyone to check out every each artists and producers on the Hrdrv Records because they're all super talented and work with them.

Stream/download Ciph's single on all streaming platforms:

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